Who Was Omid Molayee?

This man was threatening his ex who filed the complaint. This man was threatening the woman to her life and also put oils on her. The incident is getting investigated while pictures from the incident were posted online, Stay tuned as we covered everything in detail about this incident and also about the man who passed away as well. Omis Molayee was the man who passed away in this incident. As per the reports, this man was in his car when he poured petrol on himself and set himself on fire. He also allegedly threatened the officers and also ran toward them. The Officer shot at him in defense leaving the man dead. Pictures and videos uploaded online showcased that the man was covered in a blazing fire from head to toe and he was shot dead by the police. The man not only

Omid Molayee Death Video

Poured petrol on himself but also on his ex as well and threatened her who made the complaint or filed the complaint after which police gathered at Molayee’s car. Molayee is an immigrant from Iran and he was settled down in Australia. As per the reports he was in a relationship with a woman named Sara Pooya who is the mother of three children. Pooyan complained that Molayee threatened her After which they gather at his car. Reports claimed that Molayee was jealous of Pooyan and he threatened her life. He also poured petrol on Pooyan, her bedsheet, and also on her room as well. After finding the right time the woman called the police after which they took the case under their control. Molayee was found in his car while after which he was shot being set on fire., Police later put off teh fire But Molayee already passed away. Moolayee and Pooyan were in a relationship. The two came closer to each other in 2019 and they moved into a house with three children of Pooyan. As per Pooyan, Molayee was always jealous and that is the reason why she moved afar and broke up with him. Soon after that he started to threaten her and also followed her as well. Molayee also accused Pooyan of

Omid Molayee: Wikipedia, Family & Age

Cheating well which was not true. Pooyan on the day of the incident ran away finding her way to the police. Later police added that to defend they had to shoot Molayee. Sergeant Downey added that to defend themselves they had to shoot. He also added that Molayee was entirely covered in blazes and flames when they were chased by him. After setting himself on fire, Molayee started Running towards the officers and they ran away from him, but to save themselves they shot him after which he fell and passed away. Downey also added that they needed to gun him down as he was running towards them with fire on his body, He added that the act was justifiable and reasonable as well. Nineteen officers are due to give evidence in this case in the coming queries.


Who Was Omid Molayee  Man Shot Dead After Dousing Ex In Petrol   Setting Himself On Fire At McDonald s Car Parking  - 13Who Was Omid Molayee  Man Shot Dead After Dousing Ex In Petrol   Setting Himself On Fire At McDonald s Car Parking  - 56Who Was Omid Molayee  Man Shot Dead After Dousing Ex In Petrol   Setting Himself On Fire At McDonald s Car Parking  - 95